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How do I measure myself to choose the correct size of post-operative garments?


If you know what type of garments are you buying, search it at LIPOELASTIC e-shop where you will find information on what areas to measure. 

Then, measure required areas and find the right size in the size chart. The figurine on the picture below will provide you with hints of points that should be measured.



Measure around arm at the fullest part of the biceps.


Measure around the fullest part of the bust/chest area while wearing usual undergarments.


Measure around chest circumference directly under the breasts.


Measure around the smallest part of waistline.


Stand with both feet together and measure around the fullest part of hip area.



Tips for Proper Measurement

  1. Before you start, remove all your clothes except for underwear so that the measurement is not distorted – it is the only way to get the most accurate results. Also, it is important to stand upright, have a loose belly and breathe naturally.
  2. When the measurements are taken, the measuring tape has to be in a horizontal position. The tape must not point downwards or upwards so as not to distort the measurements.
  3. When taking measurements, do not tighten the tape around your body, it has to touch the body, but must not be too tight or too loose.
  4. Write all measurements on paper and re-measure again for accuracy.

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